MIT Open Access Task Force

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-09-07


This white paper is the first deliverable of the OA task force. Its goal is to give MIT students, staff, and faculty an overview of the open access landscape at MIT, in the United States, and in Europe to help inform discussions at the Institute over the next year. These discussions, which will take place at community forums and in other venues, including the task force idea bank, will help inform the task force as it develops a set of recommendations across a broad spectrum of scholarly outputs, including articles and books, data, educational materials, and code. 


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Peer Review for the Social Sciences » philipncohen's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » philipncohen's bookmarks

Tags: oa.mandates oa.oa2020 oa.fees oa.policies.funders oa.policies.universities oa.universities oa.funders oa.hei oa.policies

Date tagged:

09/07/2018, 13:58

Date published:

09/07/2018, 11:38