Robert-Jan Smits wordt voorzitter van de TU Eindhoven - ScienceGuide

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-09-18


In Google's English: "Currently he is still special Envoy Open Access and introduced Plan-S earlier this month with 14 European scientific organizations. He received a lot of praise for this internationally. After clearing this initial impulse to prepare the EU for more Open Access, he leaves for [Eindhoven University of Technology] on 1 March....

In March 2019, the born Brabander Robert-Jan Smits will succeed lecture chairman Jan Mengelers, who will retire in mid-2019. Nicole Ummelen will succeed Jo van Ham as vice-chairman of the Executive Board on 1 January 2019. Jo van Ham will also retire in mid-2019. Until then, he will focus on broadening the international coalition for Plan S and the implementation of the open access policy....

The plan seems to have a lot of impact. Since the announcement of this plan on 4 September, a day after Smits took care of the Academic Year Opening at Eindhoven University of Technology, the share of the largest scientific publisher Elsevier has already fallen by 7% in market value, stock market analysts attribute this to the introduction of Plan S. International he has also received much praise for this plan....

In the coming months, Smits will focus primarily on expanding the coalition at an international level. Last weekend gave the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation already commit themselves to the coalition, and there is interest from the US, China and Japan. In early October Smits travels to the US to speak with American partners for a global rollout of Schedule S. "This week I have a meeting with the TNCs from Europe to explain the plan."

In a week's time, a task force headed by ScienceEurope will start the concrete implementation of the European organization of NWO-like institutions...."


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09/18/2018, 11:31

Date published:

09/18/2018, 07:31