Utfordringer med Plan S(peed)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-09-19
From Google's English: "Plan S requires researchers to publish in Open Access (OA) from January 2020. All articles financed by the Research Council of Norway will be made publicly available. Plan S weakens the monopoly situation and the excessive power of several publishers, such as Elsevier (who had a profit of more than 9 billion NOK in 2016). Open Access is also not free. There are great profits in this market. Substantial changes in business models are required. We are open to science. But still it does not jibe it over Plan S.
Plan S puts strong guidelines on which journals researchers can publish. Researchers will not be able to publish in subscription-funded international prestige journals. We will hardly have developed internationally strong quality magazines with limited number of publications under OA. Research is global, and Plan S could create barriers between research funded by the Research Council and other researchers globally. These requirements will have an impact on international research cooperation, and for cooperation with partners who have other financiers. We therefore risk that strong international researchers wishing to publish in the traditional strong channels do not want to co-authors with Norwegian researchers.
Plan S also raises fundamental discussions about academic freedom in light of the fact that the Research Council determines where researchers can publish. ..."