Open Access Publishers Team Up to Promote Cost Transparency, in a Bid to Speed Up the Transition to Open Science – Open Access Blog

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-09-20


"Since the European Commission (EC) mandates that in European Union countries scientific output should be published in Open Access by default come 2020, it has also invited external bids for setting up and running an Open Access publication platform that will effectively compete with existing publishers in the Open Access sector. Moreover, according to the European Commission vision, this Open Access platform is expected to afford cost minimization and transparency across the supply and value chain of scientific publishing, which amounts to the deployment of open source software, article publication cost transparency, immediate Open Access to published scientific output and a one-stop-shop interface for accessing Open Access articles funded by other organizations.

By contrast, the Transparent Transition to Open Access (TTOA) consortium, comprising De GruyterOpenEditionPLoSMDPIBrillUbiquity PressCopernicus PublicationsOpen Library of Humanities, the Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University, Quality Open Access Market, and Max Planck Digital Library, that the Fair Open Access Alliance (FOAA) has called into being on May 30, 2018, argues that existing Open Access publishers are best positioned to ensure quality standards and meet the needs of scientific communities. Moreover, the TTOA consortium proposes that the Open Science standards of the EC can be complied with in the framework of an Open Access publication platform it plans to launch....

When implemented, the TTOA platform will bring universal Open Access closer to reality."


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Date tagged:

09/20/2018, 10:33

Date published:

09/20/2018, 06:33