Knowledge Unlatched, failed transparency, and the commercialisation of open access book publishing

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-10-04


"Over recent years, Knowledge Unlatched has harnessed the effectiveness of its consortial funding model to become the largest gatekeeper to open access for scholarly books. But as Marcel Knöchelmann describes, the changing of its status from that of a community interest company to a German GmbH or public limited company, and that it is now fully owned by the consultancy fullstopp, has gone largely uncommunicated. This information has assumed greater pertinence and urgency following the decision to appoint fullstopp to collect and analyse data that will be used to inform future policy decisions on open access. The researchers, publishers, and librarians inevitably impacted by the outcomes of this consultation should be afforded the transparency to know that the parent company of the commercial entity which stands to profit from a future of open access book publishing is advising on what the future of open access book publishing in the UK should be."


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Tags: oa.books oa.germany oa.profits oa.debates oa.business_models oa.academic_led oa.knowledge_unlatched

Date tagged:

10/04/2018, 09:41

Date published:

10/04/2018, 06:30