An A-Z list of scholarly publishing and open science platforms (Updated 27 July 2018) – BMJ Digital

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-11-02


"Inspired by Ian Mulvany’s tweet about Vega Academic Publishing System (which does look interesting, especially the partnership with Oslo School of Architecture and Design). We [at BMJ] thought we would publish the list of publishing platforms that we keep an eye on.  The list is a bit of a jumble and includes a number of platforms like Aletheia, PubPub and Authorea aimed at authors who want to self-publish. A number of open science initiatives like Pluto Network, Lab Scribbles and the open archive HAL. Publishers like Elsevier and SpringerNature who run their own platforms but don’t open them up to other publishers aren’t listed. If we’ve got something wrong or you want to add a platform please let us know via the comments...."


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Date tagged:

11/02/2018, 16:34

Date published:

11/02/2018, 12:34