Draft Recommendations of the MIT Ad Hoc Faculty Task Force on Open Access1 to MIT’s Research
peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-03-18
"The open sharing of research outputs promises to quicken the accumulation of knowledge and insight and enhance opportunities for collaboration. It also aligns with MIT’s mission. At MIT, we are “committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world’s great challenges.”3 We currently manifest that mission via the open sharing of educational materials through OCW and MITx, and by openly sharing faculty research via the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy. In addition, as MIT makes bold moves to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the prevalence of computing and the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, our efforts in these areas will depend on the open availability of large, diverse, and inclusive sets of data in all formats. The Task Force on Open Access to MIT’s Research has been charged with developing recommendations to further support and enhance the open sharing of MIT research and educational materials and to contribute to the global transition to open science. Recommended as part of the 2016 report from the Institute-wide Task Force on the Future of Libraries, the task force is intended to address the large proportions of MIT’s research and teaching outputs that are not yet available for open dissemination. This includes the vast majority of faculty journal articles published before the adoption of the Faculty Open Access Policy in 2009, and over 50% of faculty articles published since then. 4...
By ratifying a set of shared principles for open science and open scholarship, the MIT community affirms that control of scholarly communications should reside with scholars and their institutions. Such principles might include: 1. Scholarly authors should retain copyright in their own work and full rights to reuse their work. 2. Scholarly outputs should be openly available to readers everywhere, regardless of institutional affiliation or individual ability to pay. 3. Data, code, and other supporting materials necessary to validate and/or replicate scholarly work should be openly available. 4. Scholarly work should be openly available to computational analysis, and to algorithmic and machine learning applications and uses. 5. The full life cycle of research should be part of the scholarly record, and therefore scholars should have the right to openly share early versions of articles and other publications in open preprint servers, institutional repositories, and/or open platforms, with no restrictions on subsequent publication choices....
The Task Force offers recommendations organized around three strategies for supporting the open dissemination of MIT research and educational outputs: 1. Policy recommendations 2. Infrastructure and resource recommendations 3. Advocacy and awareness recommendations ..."
03/18/2019, 05:05From feeds:
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