Legislation for science in the digital age | Schwerpunktinitiative "Digitale Information"

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-06-17


"Science operates in the digital age in a space that besides disciplinary, technical and organizational dimensions also has a legal dimension. Along this line, the scope for action open to science is either restricted or facilitated. The effects of complex legal framework conditions with respect to scientists’ sphere of action often have to be first analysed and communicated. Within the sphere of action of Digital Transformation, the legal framework limits or permits the flow and use of information, e.g. through laws governing copyright, neighbouring rights, data protection and personality rights. It also regulates the digital service markets which science makes use of, e.g. through competition law, anti- trust law and tax law...."




06/17/2019, 06:45

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.policies oa.legislation oa.strategies oa.copyright oa.monopoly oa.germany oa.open_science oa.advocacy

Date tagged:

06/17/2019, 10:45

Date published:

01/01/2018, 05:45