Elsevier threatens others for linking to Sci-Hub but does so itself | Martin Paul Eve | Professor of Literature, Technology and Publishing

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-03


"Sci-Hub is a copyright-violating site that provides infringing access to scholarly publications that are behind paywalls. Its ethics are problematic but it’s also proving very difficult to stop.

I learned this morning that the largest scholarly publisher in the world, Elsevier, sent a legal threat to Citationsy for linking to Sci-Hub. There are different jurisdictional views on whether linking to copyright material is or is not a copyright violation.

That said, the more entertaining fact is that scholarly publishers frequently end up linking to Sci-Hub. Here’s one I found on Elsevier’s own ScienceDirect site: ..."



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Date tagged:

08/03/2019, 13:50

Date published:

08/03/2019, 09:50