Why Should We Publish All Clinical Trials? - ScienceDirect

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-04


"Today, 1,100 of 3,400 (32%) of clinical trials have not been registered and are eligible for fines and penalties totaling millions dollars, yet there is no report of penalty collections to date under this new requirement (4).

What can we do better as journal editors in this capacity?

First, we should pose no barriers or penalties for investigators who publish the results on the Clinical Trials.gov website before publishing in the respected journal. Second, we should standardize the information and data required in the journal to be harmonized with the requirements of FDAAA 801.

Finally, we should actively solicit and facilitate trial publication of unpublished completed clinical trials...."



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Date tagged:

08/04/2019, 10:01

Date published:

08/04/2019, 06:01