Equity and Open Access Librarian

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-08-06


"Working collegially with the Library Faculty, the Equity and Open Access Librarian [at California State University, East Bay (CSUEB)] will create new opportunities for the Libraries to: engage with diverse learner communities, especially first generation, transfer, and commuter students, and design equity-informed library programming and services to meet their needs; coordinate with the outreach librarian and the scholarly communications librarian to improve campus awareness of critical open education/access issues; support faculty awareness, discovery, and use of open textbooks and open education resources to enhance student access to affordable materials; coordinate with the assessment librarian to design effective assessment strategies of the Libraries’ equity and open access initiatives; keep current with trends and developments in equity-oriented and non-traditional student services; and, serve as a liaison for open education initiatives at a local institutional level and at a CSU system-wide level...."



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Date tagged:

08/06/2019, 16:11

Date published:

08/06/2019, 12:11