Introducing Golden: Mapping human knowledge

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-10-09


"There is a strong need for this platform to be open so we are embracing Creative Commons 4.0 for the text on topic pages and are cognisant of current standards of openness. Public topic pages will be free to access and the text available on CC BY-SA 4.0. If you have any feedback on this, please get in touch with us. We also have full activity logs of changes to pages that aim to bring more transparency to edits and make it easier for our team and you to fact check, monitor, and improve edits...."



10/09/2019, 08:03

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.platforms oa.quality oa.licensing oa.golden oa.libre

Date tagged:

10/09/2019, 12:03

Date published:

04/30/2019, 08:03