Scholarly Article or Book Chapter | Thoughts on Publishing Survey - how can we improve scientific publishing? | ID: sf268918d | Carolina Digital Repository

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-10-12


Abstract:  There are various pathways for scientists to share their work, but the most important method is the peer-reviewed manuscript. Lately, publishing in academic journals has become more competitive and time consuming, but fraudulent work and errors still occur in many journals. We propose an alternative publishing model that fits within our current model and could improve access to readers and support more efficient review. The goal of thoughts on publishing survey (TOPS) is to measure satisfaction levels of the current publishing model, propose an alternative publishing model, obtain feedback on the new model, and learn more about quality scientific articles and peer review. With this feedback, we highlight some areas that may improve publishing, for the reader, writer, and reviewer. We also assess the acceptance of an alternative model and identify ways that it could be implemented. Whatever scientific publishing may look like in the future, consumers and producers of these works should keep the goal in mind: “How can we make the peer-reviewed manuscript fit our workload and budget, and improve its value and reach to foster scientific advancement?”



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.surveys oa.peer_review oa.quality oa.recommendations

Date tagged:

10/12/2019, 09:12

Date published:

10/12/2019, 05:12