BioMed Central Blog : Women in science: access is crucial

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-14


"However, the impact that women could have on science, particularly within developing countries, is not yet fully explored. In general a lot of work is needed to encourage women to advance careers in science as illustrated by the map above. SciDev, the Science and Development Network, has acknowledged: ‘improving girls' access to basic and secondary education — especially in science — is crucial’.

Open access publishing removes restrictive subscription fees, subsequently challenging the geographical inequality experienced with access to and use of high-quality scientific resources facilitating global social and scientific development. However access alone is not enough. In order to achieve gender equality within the global scientific community up-to-date teaching methods across classrooms are essential to prevent girls from turning away from scientific fields...."



11/14/2019, 11:24

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Date tagged:

11/14/2019, 16:24

Date published:

07/13/2011, 12:24