Free our knowledge: Platinum Open Access Campaign

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-21


"Publicly-funded research should be free to read, reuse and free for authors to publish (“Diamond” or “Platinum Open Access”). High quality Platinum Open Access journals already exist in most disciplines, but often languish without the support of researchers who feel pressured to publish in 'prestigious' traditional journals. The academic community creates nearly all of the value that determines journal 'prestige', however, and as such a widespread and simultaneous statement of exclusive support for the Platinum Open Access model would bolster the reputation of these journals, decrease the incentive to publish in traditional journals, and allow the community to transition the value we provide to more efficient and cost-effective journals with minimal risk to individual researchers.

By signing this campaign, you will pledge to exclusively support fee-free Open Access journals. Your pledge will only go into effect if a critical mass of peers in your field sign the same pledge (choose your own threshold when you pledge, according to your circumstances)...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.advocacy oa.petitions oa.signatures oa.journals oa.pledges oa.fok

Date tagged:

11/21/2019, 09:23

Date published:

11/21/2019, 05:30