Plan S for publishing science in an open access way: not everyone is likely to be happy | SpringerLink

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-22


"After this initiative, it will no longer be possible to publish in non-OA journals (e.g., the ACS journals, Science and Nature) for those receiving funding from the European Research Council or from other research councils or foundations that have joined the cOAlition S, unless journals, like those mentioned above, change their policies....

With Plan S, this model may be heavily shifted to payment by authors...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.plan_s oa.objections oa.debates oa.societies oa.misunderstandings

Date tagged:

11/22/2019, 12:59

Date published:

11/22/2019, 07:59