cOAlition S consultation on transformative journals framework

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-11-27


"The Plan S guidelines note that cOAlition S will "consider developing a potential framework for ‘transformative journals’ where the share of Open Access content is gradually increased, where subscription costs are offset by income from payments for publishing services (to avoid double payments), and where the journal has a clear commitment to transition to full Open Access in an agreed timeframe".

We are now asking for feedback on this potential framework, which you can find here.  We recommend that you open this document in a separate window, so that you can refer to it as you are answering the questions in this short survey.  The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Please provide your feedback by 9am CET time on 6th January 2020.  We will consider all the feedback received, and hope to release a final version of this framework in early 2020.

For reference, you can find the whole survey as a PDF document here.  However, please use this online survey to provide feedback.  We will not be able to accept feedback submitted in other ways...."


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Date tagged:

11/27/2019, 09:47

Date published:

11/27/2019, 04:47