Comments on “Factors affecting global flow of scientific knowledge in environmental sciences” by Sonne et al. (2020) - ScienceDirect

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-12-15


Abstract:  In a recent publication in the journal Science of the Total Environment, Sonne et al. (2020) highlight how Open Access journals and associated fees may limit the production and flow of knowledge. Sonne et al. (2020) also illustrate how the pressure to publish has accelerated the proliferation of predatory journals and has, in some cases, led to the use of fictious data which may increase the public's distrust of science. The paper also discusses how researchers in poor countries may be left behind by the Open Access initiative of publishing houses due to a lack of funding to cover publication fees. Thus, Sonne et al. (2020) make a valuable contribution to the debate on Open access versus Paywall publishing practices, but several inconsistences and omissions are highlighted by this paper.



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Tags: oa.paywalled oa.fees oa.predatory oa.south oa.objections oa.debates oa.environment oa.journals

Date tagged:

12/15/2019, 14:59

Date published:

12/15/2019, 09:59