AAP + scientific society letters, annotated · The Knowledge Futures Commonplace

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-12-23


"This past week, a range of scientific societies and a few mega-publishers sent public letters to the U.S. administration, opposing a potential executive order that would mandate immediate free access to federally-funded research.

One letter, organized by the Association of American Publishers, was signed by major publishers like Elsevier, Wiley, and Woulters-Kluwer, lobbying groups, and scholarly societies. This was distributed via a press release with the title, “COALITION OF 135+ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLISHING ORGANIZATIONS SENDS LETTER TO ADMINISTRATION OPPOSING  PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION POLICY FORCING IMMEDIATE FREE DISTRIBUTION OF PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES”

Another letter was signed by 62 scientific societies, focusing on claims about the impact of the prospective order on scientific initiatives. Each of these letters made bold claims that deserve supporting evidence; and are reproduced below for discussion and annotation...."



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Date tagged:

12/23/2019, 05:43

Date published:

12/23/2019, 00:43