Editorial: Open science in consciousness research | Neuroscience of Consciousness | Oxford Academic

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-12-25


"All of us involved in the mind and brain sciences, in whatever capacity, are increasingly aware of the importance of ensuring the credibility of our research. This credibility—which for experimental work turns on its reliability—is particularly salient for consciousness research, given the at-times precarious perception of consciousness science within the wider landscapes of psychology and neuroscience (Michel et al. 2019). We are therefore very pleased to introduce a number of ‘open science’ initiatives that have recently been implemented in Neuroscience of Consciousness.

One key objective of open science is to actively resist the tendency to search for, and to preferentially publish, eye-catching findings that fit with compelling narratives. This means supporting studies that have been designed to report unbiased results that are reproducible and replicable, whether or not they are narratively convenient.

The gold standard approach here is the Registered Report (RR) format...."



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Date tagged:

12/25/2019, 06:28

Date published:

12/25/2019, 01:28