‘Russian pirate hacked 39 British universities’ | Business | The Sunday Times

peter.suber's bookmarks 2019-12-26


"A Russian internet pirate under investigation for potential ties to Russia’s intelligence services is alleged to have hacked the systems of 39 British universities.

Alexandra Elbakyan is founder of Sci-Hub, a website that publishes millions of academic papers free that would otherwise be available only through subscriptions or one-off payments. She has created a repository of 78m works by using log-in credentials obtained through email scams, password breaking, dark web purchases and even willing participants, according to Andrew Pitts of PSI, a group that fights academic piracy...."




12/26/2019, 05:52

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Date tagged:

12/26/2019, 10:52

Date published:

12/22/2019, 05:52