Open Access eXchange (OAeX): an economic model and platform for fundraising open scholarship services

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-02-26


Abstract:  This article describes the Open Access eXchange (OAeX) project, a pragmatic and comprehensive economic model and fundraising platform for open scholarship initiatives. OAeX connects bidders with funders at scale and right across the open scholarship spectrum through crowdfunding: financial expenditure is regulated by a market of freely competing providers and financial transactions and transparency are assured by a clearing-house entity. Specifically, OAeX seeks to facilitate open access publishing without the barrier of article processing charges (APCs), as well as contribute to solving challenges of transparency and economic sustainability in open scholarship projects in the broader sense.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.oaex oa.platforms oa.fundraising oa.funding oa.sustainability oa.economics_of oa.crowd

Date tagged:

02/26/2020, 08:46

Date published:

02/26/2020, 05:21