David Porter on the Benefits of Open Educational Resources as Millions Shift to Online Learning - Michael Geist

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-04-11


"Millions of Canadians are at home, schools are closed, and Canada is undergoing an unprecedented shift to distance or online learning. Adapting course materials to the online learning environment can create significant new challenges for teachers and students alike. Open educational resources (OERs) provides a model for convenient, cost-effective access with no copyright barriers to worry about, expensive texts to purchase, or restrictions on adaptation, customization or re-use. David Porter, who has been a leader in open and distance learning since the 1990s, joins the podcast to discuss how the current shift to online learning places the spotlight on the benefits of OERs and open textbooks...."



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Date tagged:

04/11/2020, 11:04

Date published:

04/11/2020, 07:04