Open Science Coffee – Open Science Community Utrecht

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-04-21


"In these times of working from home as much as possible, OSCU is hosting weekly online meet-up for OSCU members and others interested in Open Science: OSCoffee (Fridays 15.00-16.00). These meet-ups are geared to get to know and learn from each other. You can find the schedule of the OSCoffees below.

To attend an OSCoffee, you need to join the ‘OSCoffee team’ on Microsoft Teams, using the the following instructions: For UU employees: You can join via this link, or by selecting the ‘OSCoffee team’ from within Microsoft Teams (Teams > Create or Join Team, team-code: oy6g6h1). For non-UU employees: Please send us an email at, and we will add you to the team.

For upcoming OSCoffees, please help us to set the agenda! In this document, you can indicate which topics you would like to see addressed in future OSCoffees. In the same document, you can also express your interest to host an OSCoffee on a topic of your choice...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.netherlands

Date tagged:

04/21/2020, 11:05

Date published:

04/21/2020, 07:05