SCOTUS Rules No Copyright in Official Annotated State Code | Cyberlaw Clinic

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-04-28


"We’re pleased to report that the United States Supreme Court has sided with and held that the Official Code of Georgia Annotated is ineligible for copyright protection. The Cyberlaw Clinic worked with the Caselaw Access Project team at the Harvard Library Innovation Lab on an amicus curiae brief (.pdf) advocating this very result. The brief highlighted the significant burden that would be placed on those creating tools to facilitate access to law if legal materials generated by or at the direction of state government officials were subject to copyright protection and the importance of a bright line holding that official government works are not copyrightable...."


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Tags: oa.harvard.u hu.oa oa.usa oa.pd oa.litigation oa.copyright

Date tagged:

04/28/2020, 09:13

Date published:

04/28/2020, 05:13