AgriXiv – Preprints Repository for Agriculture

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-05-04


"The agriculture in the world under the changing climate scenario is facing many challenges and needs utmost attention and support for the development of adaptive, resilient and sustainable livelihoods. Research outputs generated in addressing the challenges faced by agriculture need to be immediately available to all the stakeholders for understanding and development of suitable solutions. Towards this, many global and regional initiatives are being taken up to facilitate the data, knowledge and information sharing among the stakeholders who are involved in the agricultural research for development. Such notable global initiatives in agriculture are FAO AIMS, AgInfra, CIARD,GODAN etc. However, sharing interim academic and research results, unlike the physics discipline, is not commonly happening in the disciplines of agriculture and allied sciences. Nowadays with the global open access movement, the researchers in other disciplines such as Biology,  Chemistry, Engineering, Psychology and Social Sciences have also started sharing their scientific publications in preprints servers. Seeing the importance of agriculture and the agricultural research for development there is a need for exclusive preprints servers in Agricultural Sciences to facilitate the sharing of interim results. Therefore, the Open Access India  as a part of its objective, ‘development of community e-infrastructure for Open Access’ is proposing AgriXiv, a preprints repository for Agriculture with the support of Open Science Framework."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.india oa.repositories.preprints oa.repositories.disciplinary oa.south oa.agriculture oa.repositories

Date tagged:

05/04/2020, 08:12

Date published:

12/11/2016, 03:13