The Global Research Data Alliance community response to the global COVID-19 pandemic | RDA
peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-05-29
"Data drives rapid response and informed decision making during public health emergencies. There is a need for timely and accurate collection, reporting and sharing of data with the research community, public health practitioners, clinicians and policy makers. Accurate and rapid availability of data will inform assessment of the severity, spread and impact of a pandemic to implement efficient and effective response strategies.
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is a volunteer community of over 10,500 professionals from 145 countries across the globe. In less than two months, the community responded to an urgent call for action and defined much needed, comprehensive recommendations and guidelines for data sharing under the present COVID-19 circumstances. Today, 28 May 2020, we publish the pre-final version of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines covering four research areas – clinical data, omics practices, epidemiology and social sciences. This document is also complimented by overarching areas focusing on legal and ethical considerations, research software, community participation and indigenous data. The detailed guidelines in this body of work aim to help stakeholders follow best practices to maximise the efficiency of their work and act as a blueprint for the current and future health emergencies. The recommendations aim to help policymakers and funders maximise timely, quality data sharing and appropriate responses to health emergencies, particularly COVID-19.
The report specifically emphasises the importance of the following during the COVID-19 emergency response: ..."