Open Scholarship Knowledge Base

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-05-29


"A project

The Open Scholarship Knowledge Base is a collaborative initiative to curate and share knowledge about the what, why, and how of open scholarship. This includes reviewing, consolidating, organizing, and improving the discoverability of content to support the education and application of open practices for all aspects of the research lifecycle.

A community

Spearheaded by volunteers, the Open Scholarship Knowledge Base is a community of diverse individuals aligned by a shared goal to make learning and applying open research practices easier. It is being built by and for the community it aims to serve. Researchers, teachers, funders, librarians, and anyone wanting to open scholarship are welcome to edit, curate, and contribute to this community resource.

Join the community by contributing your favorite content to the OSKB through this content submission form!

A platform

Educational content (tutorials, workshop materials, videos, papers, and more) generated by the many contributors to open scholarship across disciplines and regions will be curated and maintained as openly accessible modules and trainings. For example, a user can discover content about data sharing that relates to their discipline, role, and data characteristics, and follow self-guided learning pathways on why and how to share their data...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.oskb oa.cos oa.best_practices oa.crowd oa.monitoring oa.platforms oa.volunteers

Date tagged:

05/29/2020, 10:56

Date published:

05/29/2020, 06:56