cOAlition S’s Rights Confiscation Strategy Continues - The Scholarly Kitchen

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-07-20


"Late last week, cOAlition S unveiled a new policy, characterized as a “Rights Retention Strategy,” which will apply to all research underwritten by the coalition’s membership of funding agencies. The new policy continues and expands the Plan S requirement that all publications arising from research funded by cOAlition S members be made immediately and freely available to the public under the terms of a Creative Commons attribution-only (CC BY) license or its equivalent.

Though billed misleadingly by cOAlition S as a plan “to safeguard researchers’ intellectual ownership rights,” both the purpose and the effect of this expanded strategy remain — as has always been the case with Plan S publishing requirements — to take intellectual ownership rights away from authors, transferring them to the general public (rather than to publishers)...."


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Tags: oa.plan_s oa.rights-retention oa.copyright oa.objections oa.debates oa.misunderstandings

Date tagged:

07/20/2020, 10:46

Date published:

07/20/2020, 06:46