JLSC Seeks a New Publisher

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-07-20


"The Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication (JLSC, https://jlsc-pub.org, ISSN 2162-3309) is an online-only, continuously-published, peer-reviewed, open-access journal with no article processing charges for authors. JLSC publishes original articles, reviews, and case studies that analyze or describe the strategies, partnerships, and impact of library-led digital projects, online publishing, and scholarly communication initiatives. It was launched in 2012 by Founding Co-Editors Isaac Gilman and Marisa Ramírez. Since then, the journal has grown and evolved under Editors-in-Chief Mark Newton and Melanie Schlosser, and now Anne T. Gilliland, Rebekah Kati, and Jennifer Solomon. In addition, many librarians and scholarly communication practitioners have helped shape and guide the journal in other editorial roles or as members of the Editorial Board (see the current editorial team and past editorial board members).  

Pacific University has been JLSC’s publisher since its founding. Pacific University is transitioning the focus of its publishing program away from journals and believes that in order to preserve and enhance JLSC’s quality and impact it would be best to find a new publisher...."



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Date tagged:

07/20/2020, 13:35

Date published:

07/20/2020, 09:35