Podcast: How 'open access' helped SMK Denmark to increase reach & audience engagement
peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-07-29
"Over the last decade, many museums around the world have adopted an open access policy. From the US to Europe, the opening up of museums has meant that anybody can use, reuse, remix collections without any copyright restrictions. At the core of open access is the commitment to make heritage accessible for people regardless of conduct social or geographical barriers. For museums, this move has contributed immensely to brand-building and added social value. But how?
The National Gallery of Denmark (the Statens Museum for Kunst, aka SMK) in Copenhagen is one of the premier art museums of the country and home to several European art treasures. In this podcast, I spoke with Jonas Heide Smith - Head of Digital at SMK about their approach, learnings and challenges. Give it a listen or read on for the key takeaways...."