Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI)

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-10-13


"COKI seeks to be the world’s leading hub for analysis and evaluation of open knowledge in higher education.

Founded at Curtin University in Perth, Australia in 2017, the COKI project team collaborate with national and international partners to create fresh insights into Open Knowledge practice around the world.

COKI has developed the world’s leading open knowledge data set, drawing together more than 12 trillion data elements, providing a comprehensive understanding of open knowledge practices and impact.

The COKI project team is has developed insights, analysis and tools which can enable universities to become Open Knowledge Institutions...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.australia oa.coki oa.universities oa.monitoring oa.hei

Date tagged:

10/13/2020, 09:09

Date published:

10/13/2020, 05:09