Nature journals announce first open-access agreement

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-10-20


"The publisher of Nature has agreed its first deal to allow some researchers to publish in the journal, and in 33 other Nature-branded titles, under open-access (OA) terms.

Research published in Nature and its sister journals is behind a paywall, although the journals have sometimes chosen to make articles OA. But in April, publisher Springer Nature announced that it would offer open-accessing publishing routes for its most selective journals that would comply with Plan S, a European-led initiative to open up the scientific literature. (Nature is editorially independent of its publisher.)....

The publisher of Nature has agreed its first deal to allow some researchers to publish in the journal, and in 33 other Nature-branded titles, under open-access (OA) terms.

Research published in Nature and its sister journals is behind a paywall, although the journals have sometimes chosen to make articles OA. But in April, publisher Springer Nature announced that it would offer open-accessing publishing routes for its most selective journals that would comply with Plan S, a European-led initiative to open up the scientific literature. (Nature is editorially independent of its publisher.)..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.nature oa.springer_nature oa.offsets oa.agreements oa.germany oa.plan_s oa.business_models oa.prices oa.economics_of oa.fees oa.objections oa.debates oa.mpdl

Date tagged:

10/20/2020, 12:08

Date published:

10/20/2020, 08:09