FAIR metrics and certification, rewards and recognition, skills and training: FAIRsFAIR contribution to the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda | FAIRsFAIR

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-10-20


"FAIRsFAIR is a key contributor to the ongoing development of global standards for FAIR data and repository certification and to the policies and practices that will turn the EOSC programme into a functioning infrastructure. The project strongly endorses all of the guiding principles already identified as relevant to implementing the EOSC vision, with a special emphasis on the importance of FAIR-by-design tools. The guiding principles are a multi-stakeholder approach; data as open as possible and as closed as necessary; implementation of a Web of FAIR data and related services for science; federation of existing research infrastructures; and the need for machine-run algorithms transparent to researchers)...."



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Date tagged:

10/20/2020, 13:16

Date published:

10/20/2020, 09:16