Navigating Toward Our Values in a ‘Moment Beyond Statements’ - SPARC

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-10-23


" “We’re in a moment beyond statements now…” Jon Cawthorne’s remark captured the heart of the discussion at the recent ACRL/SPARC Forum on navigating the current challenges of COVID-driven budget cuts and the need for libraries to move from intention to action on equity and inclusion. During this time of profound change with economic upheaval and long-needed focus on racial justice issues, libraries are being pushed to rethink how to move forward. There is no definitive pandemic “end line”,  where the world just goes back to normal—and, in any event, we don’t want to simply go back to the business of scholarly communication as it was. As Chris Bourg framed it, “This pandemic may be our ‘cross the Rubicon’ moment” where we have the opportunity to move forward with re-structuring this system to prioritize openness and equity at its core. With this year’s Open Access Week centered on “taking action to build structural equity and inclusion,” this focus on aligning actions with values is critical. ..."


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Date tagged:

10/23/2020, 11:10

Date published:

10/23/2020, 07:10