Public Lab, Executive Director

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-11-23


"Public Lab’s mission is to pursue environmental justice through community science and open technology.  We use science and inquiry to shift power structures so that anyone can be a change agent in addressing environmental health issues, through the creation of monitoring techniques, formation of research questions, selection of research sites, strategies for engaging proactively with stakeholders, and low-cost community exposure interventions. To learn more, visit

Public Lab, the largest community science organization in the world, seeks an Executive Director to scale the organization and increase its impact. This is an ideal role for a leader who can translate vision and strategy into executable action, establish clear measures for success and oversee day-to-day progress toward goals. The Executive Director will ensure the long-term financial stability of Public Lab by attracting resources, support and partnerships. This person will be the primary vision holder for a largely remote staff and global community and will facilitate collaborations to achieve on-the-ground improvements in environmental conditions in communities...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publiclab oa.floss oa.environment oa.climate

Date tagged:

11/23/2020, 14:49

Date published:

11/23/2020, 09:49