Open Scholarship Policy, Auckland University of Technology

peter.suber's bookmarks 2020-11-27


"The AUT Open Scholarship Policy was approved by the University in June 2020. It makes AUT research, specifically journal articles and published conference papers, open by default....

Copyright is not transferred to AUT. Each faculty member grants to Auckland University of Technology permission to make available their scholarly articles, and to exercise the copyright in those articles. In legal terms, the permission granted by each faculty member is a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of their scholarly articles, in any medium, and to authorise others to do the same, for the purpose of making their articles widely and freely available in an open access repository, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit...."



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Tags: oa.new_zealand oa.policies oa.policies.universities oa.rights-retention oa.hei oa.repositories oa.universities

Date tagged:

11/27/2020, 10:25

Date published:

11/27/2020, 05:25