Open Science MOOC Response to UNESCO Draft Open Science Recommendations | Zenodo

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-01-04


Miller, Jennifer, Ivashchenko, Stefaniia, Erdmann, Christopher, Stojanovski, Jadranka, Forero, Diego A., & Aldirdiri, Osman. (2020, December 30). Open Science MOOC Response to UNESCO Draft Open Science Recommendations. Zenodo.

The Open Science MOOC 2020 Steering Committee responds on behalf of our community to the UNESCO consultation on open science. We offer this response from our perspective as a global source of open educational materials for teaching and learning open science principles and practices. Our community and recommendations center early career researchers as a key audience for and as valuable creators of educational materials.

Our steering committee offers our response to the UNESCO Draft Open Science Recommendations based on our own reactions and on comments from the broader Open Science MOOC community. Our response is structured around the following categories:

  • Promoting a common understanding of Open Science

  • Developing an enabling policy environment for Open Science

  • Investing in Open Science infrastructures, services and capacity building for Open Science

  • Transforming scientific culture and aligning incentives for Open Science

  • Promoting innovative approaches for Open Science at different stages of the scientific process

  • Promoting international cooperation on Open Science


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Date tagged:

01/04/2021, 17:36

Date published:

01/04/2021, 12:36