How Could COVID-19 Change Scholarly Communication to a New Normal in the Open Science Paradigm? - ScienceDirect

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-01-23


Abstract:  Author reviews digital transformation of scholarly communication since 1990s and explains how COVID-19 is accelerating open science, with some analogy of chemical reactions. Discussing the current situation of preprint, the potential of peer review, and the essence of open science, developing additional services and balancing incremental and innovation in the transition state is crucial to foster new trust among stakeholders.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.humanitarian oa.speed oa.open_science oa.preprints oa.versions

Date tagged:

01/23/2021, 10:12

Date published:

01/23/2021, 05:14