Library as Key Partner in Open Pedagogy (part 1) - YouTube

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-02-05


"As part of the author series from Open Pedagogy Approaches: Faculty, Library, and Student Collaborations, you are invited to discover different ways in which faculty, library staff, and students work together to engage and enrich the learning process.

In this workshop, authors Anne Brown and Amanda MacDonald (Virginia Tech) will share their work from the chapter, Open Pedagogical Practices to Train Undergraduates in the Research Process: A Case Study in Course Design and Co-Teaching Strategies. Following, Laurie Taylor and Brian Keith (University of Florida) will discuss the ideas in their chapter, Open Pedagogical Design for Graduate Student Internships, A New Collaborative Model...."


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Tags: oa.libraries oa.teaching oa.presentations

Date tagged:

02/05/2021, 16:19

Date published:

02/05/2021, 11:19