CFP: Contributions to the Scholarly Communication Notebook – OER + ScholComm

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-02-05


"We are pleased to announce a call for proposals for materials to be included in the Scholarly Communication Notebook. Successful proposals will contribute openly-licensed educational materials (OER) about scholarly communication that reflect the broad range of people, institution types, and service models in scholarly communication and specifically fill gaps of representation in the current body of materials. With generous support from IMLS, we are able to offer $2,500 financial awards in recognition of the expertise and labor required to develop these resources. You can see the full application as a Google doc, read more below, and submit here...."


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Tags: oa.cfp oa.scholcomm

Date tagged:

02/05/2021, 16:28

Date published:

02/05/2021, 11:28