Open Science Tour Diary (4): Celya Gruson-Daniel
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-07
At the Institute for Quantitative Science, a team is working on a 100% Open Science project : The DataverseNetwork Project. It consists in building a platform allowing any researcher to archive, share and cite his data. It has many functionalities cleverly linking it to other aspects of Open Science ( open access journal with OJS, citation, altmetrics..)
The head of the project, Mercè Crosas, has been working on Open Data Licencing for over ten years. This was also a main topic of our discussion.
During my trip, I realised that Data Licencing was a big puzzle for many. Most institutions still do not know which licences to use. People have diverging opinions on the issue, mostly when it is human related data. The Privacy tools project to which Merce also contributes will probably help to solve the problem.