Thanks to Larry Lessig, Kurt Bollacker and Jaron Lanier | Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-19


"In developing the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb), an open-access digital archive and search engine for dream research, I have been acutely aware that I possess no formal training in computer science or Internet technology. My doctoral degree is in religion and psychological studies, and I learned many things in the course of my graduate education, but nothing about how to conceive, build, or use a digital database. Fortunately I've benefitted from the wisdom of three people -- Larry Lessig, Kurt Bollacker, and Jaron Lanier -- who have helped me understand how to translate my psychology of religion interest in dreams into the functional mechanics of a digital [OA] database...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.psychology oa.ssh

Date tagged:

10/19/2013, 11:00

Date published:

10/19/2013, 07:00