Research Information Analyst and Open Access Officer - London School of Economics and Political Science -

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-23


"The Library is at the heart of LSE, one of the world’s greatest social science universities, and serves a vibrant community of students and staff in the centre of London. The Library has a high reputation both nationally and internationally for its extensive collections, its involvement in innovative projects and its high quality services.
A unique opportunity has arisen to join our Research Support Services team to develop bibliometric initiatives in the Library and oversee the LSE Institutional Publication Fund. You will lead on bibliometrics activities by providing expertise on citation analysis and conducting bibliometric reports to support the evaluation of research. You will develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of this area, providing advice on the use of a range of traditional and emerging publication metrics such as citation and altmetrics...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


Date tagged:

10/23/2013, 12:30

Date published:

10/23/2013, 08:30