Free Books Program from the Canadian Center of Science and Education - Press Release - Digital Journal

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-10-31


"The Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) is a private organization that is dedicated to helping educators and researchers in Canada and the world. Established in 2006, it is an open access journal publisher that offers scholarly journals from different academic fields. Through these electronic and printed journals, the organization offers peer-reviewed research to entities across the world. CCSE also offers a number of programs like educational programs, financial support for researchers, and scientific publications. One program that has received much praise is the Free Books Program ... About the Free Books Program ... This program from the Canadian Center of Science and Education is offered by the organization's library. Through the Free Books program, research based libraries in developing countries can get their hands on a number of valuable resources for free. The CCSE will even pay for delivery. However, you should complete and submit the application form Applications will be processed and books will be sent on first come, first serve basis ... If the Free Books program intrigues you, you should first check a list of the available books through the Library page. There, you can download a document listing each book's name, description, status, availability and recipient. The recipient column is a very helpful addition on CCSE's behalf; even if you don't get the resource you need, you can contact its recipient and request for it.  Currently, CCSE has over 30 publications which cover a number of fields like finance, health, marketing, art, retail and politics ..."


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Date tagged:

10/31/2013, 09:30

Date published:

10/31/2013, 05:30