peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-06-04
From Google's English: "In February, the starting shot was fired for a new national Open Science project anchored in the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. Library. The project will strengthen the visibility of Danish Open Access (OA) journals. This includes representatives from Aarhus University Library, Copenhagen University Library, Roskilde University Library, CBS Library and Aalborg University Library. The primary purpose is to have more OA journals from the respective libraries' Open Journal Systems (OJS) included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). This will focus on Open Science in general, as well as help with a strengthened and quality-assured Danish Open Access infrastructure. In the case of AAU, this is the OJS platform journals.aau.dk, which today has 25 OA journals affiliated. Of these, nine are already indexed in DOAJ, and all the remaining journals will be automatically contacted in connection with the project.
At Aalborg University, it is AUB that houses and the VBN team that runs journals.aau.dk . Anyone can, in principle, be allowed to create an academic OA journal on the platform. However, it is a requirement that there must be at least one AAU employee in the journal's editorial team. The VBN team's OJS administrator provides help and advice for future journals in relation to practical matters, such as setup and operation, as well as for relevant external applications (for example to DOAJ, Sherpa Romeo or Scopus)...."
https://www.update.aau.dk/nyheder/nyhed/nyt-om-ojs-og-open-access-paa-aau.cid508562From feeds:
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