Rebecca Kennison Assigned as Visiting Program Officer for ARL/AAU/APLU SHARE Initiative | Columbia University Libraries

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-11-24


"Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (CUL/IS) is pleased to announce that Rebecca Kennison, Director, Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, has been assigned as Visiting Program Officer to work on the development of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), Association of American Universities (AAU), and Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU)’s initiative for enabling open access to federally funded research and data, called SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE).  ARL was recently awarded $50,000 from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to help develop the SHARE project. SHARE is a joint initiative of ARL, AAU, and APLU to collaboratively build a cross-institutional coordination framework for the long-term management and preservation of—and expansion of access to—the results of academic research. The initiative was made urgent by the February 22, 2013,memorandum from the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) directing federal agencies to develop draft plans for the public deposit of research publications and data associated with federal funding.  Kennison will work with lead consultant Greg Tananbaum and ARL Program Director Judy Ruttenberg to coordinate the efforts of four SHARE Working Groups: Technology and Standards; PI Workflow; Repositories; and Communications. Kennison’s main role will be to ensure cohesive communication and decision-making input within and among the working groups. In the coming months, she will also work on behalf of SHARE to engage the university, library, research, funding, technology, intellectual property, and publishing communities to develop the project roadmap. While many aspects of SHARE can be implemented now, its vision is ambitious and requires a thoughtful and inclusive implementation process ..."


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Date tagged:

11/24/2013, 11:52

Date published:

11/24/2013, 04:36