Directory of Open Access Education and Training Opportunities (2011)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-12-12
"Despite these tremendous achievements in terms of advocacy, awareness rising, institutional and public policies, and implementations in terms of repositories and rise of OA journals, training opportunities have remained one of the untapped terrains of OA movement. An examination of the OA scene reveals that OA training has primarily followed the route of short‐term workshops on awareness rising; sensitization/orientation programmes/capacity building in OA and building repositories (mostly) by deploying one or the other Open Source software such as DSpace or EPrints or Greenstone and in some cases in Open Access Journals software. The other meetings and workshops have been primarily focused on very high‐level workshops and meetings of champions and advocates. A desktop study of the OA training opportunities has been carried out to understand the lay of the land and explore the opportunities. Our study adopted the following methods: collection of information based on web search; doing a Google search for all possible keywords (Open Access/OA/Digital Libraries/Scholarly Publishing/Journal Publishing/ eScholarship); carrying out an analysis of the SPARC OA forum to identify the main advocates of OA and the topics of discussion; further analysis of the advocates who are active in the OA Forum to identify the areas/disciplines to which the proponents belong; reaching out top players in the OA domain to know more about the OA Training opportunities (a kind of Delphi study). Fifty digital library course contents were studied to examine the OA component. Our study also involved an analytical and comparative study of the syllabus of OA training programmes. We have also developed a model syllabus for OA...."