100th University mandate announced in international Open Access Week | Electronics and Computer Science | University of Southampton | University of Southampton

peter.suber's bookmarks 2021-07-27


"Last week’s international celebration of Open Access was given added momentum by the announcement of the world’s 100th Open Access Mandate, from the University of Salford, UK.

This was the first-ever internationally designated Open Access Week (19-23 October), providing an opportunity to broaden awareness and understanding of Open Access to research and to celebrate the successes achieved by the Open Access movement, within the global research communities and the world’s higher education institutions.

The first Open Access Mandate was adopted by the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. In 2002 ECS proposed and then mandated that all of its own research output must be made accessible free for all on the Web in order to maximize its usage and impact...."





07/27/2021, 05:48

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Date tagged:

07/27/2021, 09:48

Date published:

10/30/2009, 05:48