Dansk Open Access Barometer (December 2012)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-12-30
From Google's English: "The project will produce a report on Open Access status 2012 and specify the requirements for a web-based Danish Open Access Barometer, which continuously will show the status of how much Open Access is for research articles from Denmark. The project will organize a workshop to discuss what to measure and how data can be obtained. Stakeholders with an interest in measuring the development of Open Access to Danish research will be involved regularly in the project through participation in workshops and consulting deliverables. In conclusion, the project will present its findings to a relevant international conference, as well as in an article. The project will have two parallel main tracks: 1 The identification, analysis and preparation of the report Open Access to Danish research in 2012, 2 The development of a requirements specification for a Danish Open Access barometer. The goal of the two tracks is to meet on the one hand the desire as full as practicable, the status of Open Access to research from Denmark in 2012 and on the other to develop an Open Access Barometer continuously and automatically display the status Open Access to research articles from Denmark."